Friday, July 27, 2012

Christ's strength will always intercede.

As I sit here pondering what to blog on becasue I mean it has been almost a week eh so I feel the longing to blog- a million thoughts run rampant through my mind.
This week has been pretty good.  Office stuff-hung out individually with a few wonderful ladies from C!C; said my first good-bye.  J went to Atlanta with Zach for the weekend to preach at Eagles Landing and had some MEGA important stuff stolen-that sucked obviously.  Right now it's Carrie and I and the circus crew-you can imagine the craziness in the household during the day and the peace that occurs when they all fall asleep.

I went to the park on Tuesday and honestly Satan was totally attacking me giving me the thoughts to make me anxious, and not want to go and question myself-.  So I walk up and turns out there was this random camp gong on where kids were running around.  So the Lord took captive every thought I was experiencing and let me have His strength to go up and talk to these kids.  I ended up staying a few hours with all of them; painting faces, eating lunch, and just socializing.  It was a beautiful picture of Christ interceding on my behalf.

My 'bus' time has been the most intentional time of prayer ever.  Each time I bus (which is a few times a day) I take out my journal and write a page of how my day is and just praise and talk to the Lord-it has been revolutionizing and I hope to be able to implement that philosophy back in USA.

One afternoon Caleb and Lilly were in my room and so I pulled out my computer again to take some more pics and they went CRAZY-we had SO much fun and I am so thankful to have them!

Lilly and I have a thing with dandelions-presh.

Caleb and I were pointing at Lilly becasue it was her birthday-TWO :)

My heart has gone missing; it's in the depths of these children.

Everything is about to begin counting down here.  Last time with the kids in church, last !group, last meeting with Amy, last dance party; you get the picture.  So I need prayer for perseverence; I yearn to BE here until August 6 at 730, and then I will need to BE in Mississippi August 6 at 12.  So pray that the Lord will keep my heart here til then and then move it-that is going to be the hard part for sure.  But being up here the Lord has done some pretty awesome stuff within my heart so I know He can do it and He will provide.  But prayers for my last week to not be a waste but the final outpouring of my soul and for it to be filled properly.

My 'soul spill' of this place will come next blog-if I do it now then the reality that I have to leave MIGHT hit-and I am not ready for that ;)


  1. I love the 'bus time' thing. I would do that on the tube and the bus a lot too. Miss that aspect, but there are other ways to implement it. :)
