Sunday, July 1, 2012

Eagles Landing meets C!C meets Gulfport, MS

I could not believe my eyes when I saw it has almost been a week since my last blog.  Time here really does fly!This week we have been hard at work in the office getting ready for a mission team to get here-which arrived Friday afternoon.  They are from Eagles Landing in McDonnah, GA.  They are the 'partner' church with C!C.  So they have 13 college kids here serving for the week.
left to right:  Brittany, Sonja, Meg, Carson, Ashley, Leda
This is the whole group from Eagles Landing plus some C!C people.

So yea.  They got here Friday and Saturday we went to the farmers market and just did what I normally do except with 13 people.  Then today we had a grill-out at Springhurst park and went downtown for Canada Day!  The ladies on the trip and some quality people.  We are sharing life as if we have known each other for months and I met them TWO days ago-crazy.  God is so good.  We are hoping I can go visit them during my labor day break in GA :)
I can hardly believe 5 years ago I accepted Christ.  The best and hardest 5 years of life and I could not have asked for anything better.  Today I celebrated Canada Day and also being a Christ follower.  What a perfect way to do so than socializing with the body of Christ eh?
God is really convicting my heart to find true freedom in Him.  So I am anxious to see what all that involves and also terrifed becasue I know that means transparency not with my best friend but someone 'outside' that circle.  However I know that God yearns for the chains of sin to be taken off and to soar with Him in freedom.  Listen to this song.  It is so convicting because I want to be able to genuinely have this song be true of my life.
I also finished reading 'Radical' by David Platt and the main point I gained was the different between 'giving' and 'sacrificing' to the Lord.  I mean I have a compassion child and that is truly giving to the Lord.  However I can withstand $45 dollars a month.  So I don't feel it is sacrifice.  It needs to hurt a little-I need to TRUST that God will provide and not trust in my own being.  So I am trying to find where that fits in once I get back to school.  How can I sacrifice my life to the cause of Christ and not stop at just 'giving' to Him?  I know He will show me and that is what terrifies me.  Because I know I am going to have to trust Him more.  But I genuinely know that He will do what is best for my life in reference to Him.
I can't wait to blog next about all the awesome stuff the Lord does through Eagles Landing crew at the park this week. 
Pray for boldness.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for boldness. And to hear from you once in a while!
