Friday, December 9, 2016

WEEK 8. Weekend wonders and new words declaring my livelihood

I thought this was going to be when I left FH. That I only needed an 8 week 'tune up' for lack of words. But. No. Of-course my timeline has no effect on God's.

This past week I have done a LOT of processing. About the function of my eating disorder; what it provided for me, and what I can do for myself now. I personally also go into HOW much the symptoms of bipolar are rampant within Ed. It never ceases to amaze me to see how bound my life was before Fairhaven, and how much freedom I get to seek and find here.
I am reading Revelation, and this Christmas bible reading plan. I've never really done this before so it's such an eye-opening experience! So far my favorite is this. Isaiah 57. Verse 4 is pretty much the summary of what FH is helping me get to;
He redeemed; He is holy; He is over the Earth.
THAT is my new found definition. REDEEMED.

In other news my foot is ascting up again so I spend my days cycling; doing various workouts. I'll never be able to express how FH is redeeming my view of triathlons. That I never TRULY viewed it as my sport until about a month ago. That I FUEL my body FOR the love of the sport. That I need rest days, recovery days, hard days; days where I simply listen to my body for what it needs. 
THAT my friends is what an athlete is, and I am learning and yearning with my whole heart to be that every day.
2017-I'm coming for ya; Meg is back in action for racing!
Since we last 'talked' I went home again. I partied it up at FF's Christmas party. It was such a beautiful time to JUMP right back into my staff who loves, supports, and misses me ALMOST as much as I miss them.
tacky dress up parties is what we do; we go all out for any and everything.
The most filling thing that can happen for my heart is walking in the doors of Pinelake; where the whole staff prays for me thanks to Bethany. Supportive of the fact that yes God is in this, but I needed more help than I was able to find; that Jesus PLUS treatment is still glorying in the Lord. THAT is how you know you found the capital C Church . Leading those kiddos to learn about trusting and obeying God was such a one in a million experience.
I also got to hang out with my small group Sunday afternoon.  These ladies pray for me, send me mail, and love me in my place of life.
We saw The Nutcracker and went to dinner and played dirty santa!
So. Week 8 is done. 
I am more and more grateful for the Sovereignty of God for placing Sasha (roomie), Nadia (her/our dog), and I in the same apartment. We are officially known as 'the odd couple'. We are as opposite as people come; if you've seen the movie 'Inside Out', one of my friends described as a 'happy' and 'sad'. *Sasha isn't a sad person, but simply isn't as expressive with her feelings towards life-I sure make up for that*. So. That's fun, and wonderful, and I can't even ponder having to leave her.

There's so much going on that it seems impossible to encompass everything that I am learning; doing; seeing; experiencing; feeling. This is my effort to remember what I want to remember because hey-this is the blog where I can look back and glory in where I was, is going, and want to be.

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