Sunday, December 18, 2016

Week 9's ramblings of celebrating friends, Summers departure, and the redeeming love of phase 2.

9 weeks. I'll always have to start each blog with that for 2 reasons: each week I'm overwhelmed by the number rising, and so I can keep up with it HAH!

Getting to celebrate my 'other half's' birthday was a beautiful experience! We are dubbed 'the odd couple' because literally imagine the opposite version of me, and you have Sasha. We have begun to think on the same wave length because more than once we have texted each other simultaneously. We can sit in silence forever and not think twice about it, then jump into random conversations ranging from aimless life chats, to past experiences leading us to present day.
God sure had a plan bringing us to Fairhaven at the same time; divine timing is a beautiful thing.
That thing was GLORIOUS. 
Facetiming my MAD clan while I spend quality time with PoMegranate (my bike) is so fun. I can't wait to be back in Jackson to continue these dates and many more in person!
The 'Meg face' is always a favorite.
In case you missed it, I was in a car wreck on Tuesday. I was driving straight, the other car was trying to turn left; he had a yield green type deal, and missed my blue car apparently. It was one of those moments where I saw that he was about to hit me and it was RIGHT where I was sitting so there was no avoiding it so I simply braced myself for the fate I was given. I spun, 3 airbags went off, smoke emerged, and I stopped in the middle of the road. I drove 4 feet to the gas station adjacent to where I was hit, and so did he. We proceeded to call the cops, and my first call was to Fairhaven to tell them to get Vanessa to come get me. Vanessa showed up 10 minutes later and kept me company as my car was towed, the claims were made, and all the things involved in the process. I went to FH after and simply hung out there for a little while to calm down and process the fact Summer is probably totaled. 
As of now I have the police report, we are planning an agent to come asses my car to deem it totaled and thus time to find another car. Round 3; this has to be a joke.
At the time I didn't feel anything, but as adrenaline left my body, my neck and lower back became sore and stiff, and my arms were hurting. I went to the doctor and they said I strained muscles in my lower back and neck, and gave me meds to help. I am feeling better everyday, and I am so thankful to be at a place in recovery to be able to handle this physically, mentally, and emotionally. Recovery is something that flows to every part of life, and I sure learned that Tuesday!
My friends are too entertaining to either appreciate my jokes, or give them to me!

 Friday was probably one of the best days superficially of group. We had parties to celebrate Jenni and to wish Jo Jo and Becca good-bye; two vital group members. Jo Jo and I have such similar recovery stories; it is a beautiful thing to watch and be apart of someone's transforming life.
We dressed up, so I was an elf ;) and then got too hot so my friend cut me a shirt to be 'trendy'. THANKS LAUREN! So alas, Jenni is gone but her spirit lives here because she changed many lives.
Bridget and I switched shoes because we are cute that way.
SO thankful for this lady. 
SO. As far as therapy goes, this week was a beautfully bonding one. I learned and grew closer to each girl in phase 2; I was so resistant to go but God knew the week I needed to transfer and this was a golden one. Lots of breakthroughs for them and myself. Lots of raw, authentic, tear-filled, messy, redeeming moments for many of us.
I personally am working through body image, which is one of the biggie's for breaking up with Ed. The breakup is long, draining, filled with being done and desiring him back. But ultimately knowing he is toxic and a person that I never want to be consumed with again.
So. It's going, and I can hardly wait for week 10 to see what it holds.

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