Wednesday, December 22, 2010

randomness thrown-up

So my friend decided to start a blog and it reminded me of my blog that I never continued. I'm gonna try now.
My first semester of college is over. What in the world? It feels as if yesterday I was 7 years old trying to play a cheat G on guitar with my dad helping and now I'm almost 19 starting to lead worship. Where does time go? Between then and now I have grown more than just guitar wise. Christ and I are striving to grow together every day. I mean wow. Almost 4 years ago my heart went from stone to flesh.
I was chatting with someone about the bible and how all those stories actually happened.
She didn't know it. But that moment it hit me. Noah and his ark thing actually happened. I mean can you imagine that happening now. I know God said He won't flood the world again. But I mean what if some person was like oh I'm building an ark for God. Crazy stuff.
And david and goliath? Wowowowowowowowoww.
Speechless girl here.

So. Yea. The bible thing. Really happened. Blows my mind each day.

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