Saturday, December 15, 2012

My first glancing's of Ottawa-round 2.

Well, I made it to Canada after the long journey of finals.  I made my first C....rather 2 C's in a music class and after spending too much time agonizing and crying a bit over it-I have accepted it.  Last year as a music major I associated grades with success and I did very well.  And Jesus knew that I needed to do well to verify to me His plan of major.  However this year I don't think it will go that way-and I need to be ok with that.  That-it's ok to try, try, and try, and to not get what you want out of it.
The airport scene:
I get off the airport and I run through customs as fast as I possibly can-while having to stop and talk to the people along the way.  I get out and I see Carrie and Lillie and I pick my pace up and Lillie runs, and it was pretty much a movie scene from my perspective.  We hugged it out, and I hugged Carrie, and then I saw Caleb do his little 'hey meg' with the hand wave, and hugged J, and then Hannah.  She is walking-running.  And doesn't remember me.  It is EXACTLY how I pictured it going in my dream.  Apparently when J and Carrie told Lillie I was coming back- she replied, "Meg coming home!?"  Precious-right?
Carrie's perspective:  Lillie is potty training.  Lillie peed in her pants in the airport-as in-her boots are sopping and so obviously her clothes are.  She is on her way to the bathroom when she sees me and obviously turns around everything in her mind for that moment.  As I am squeezing Lillie-she advises me to not squeeze as hard.  I just laughed and set her down ASAP!
I did basically nothing for most of Saturday-it was amazing. Saturday night I went to a party at Jenn Kelly's house and it was fun.  It was a classy party-however we all know how 'classy' I am.  I told a classically trained pianist 'what up' and got told my life should be written in a book.  Sounds about like the kind of things I would get myself in to.
For now-I will probably blog every other day simply because I want to remember every moment of my time back here again.  I can't wait to see snow.  I think I will be more excited than the kiddos.

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